Thursday, July 8, 2010

21st Century Learners

As time goes on I believe parents, education facilities and kids are heading to a place that is quite unkown for all.
Technology is moving at such a rapid speed, who can keep up?
As teachers we are expected to entertain, engage and educate students but this is no easy task for the generation of students we will be teaching. They have certain expectations and their own definition as to what it means to be entertained, engaged and educated and we as teachers are the ones who are having to conform.
After reading the article, Engage or Enrage Me, Prensky, (2005) it highlighted to me there are real challenges and decisions to be made when planning how to teach in the 21st century.
My first thoughts were, yes kids these days expect flashing lights, cool graphics and interactive games in order to pay attention but then I thought, hang on, what about years ago when all this stuff wasn't about, kids were just happy to hang out, use their creativity and PLAY not just be sucked into a screen.

I think like with everything there needs to be a balance.

This article also pointed out to me that this generation of kids can stay on task and engaged in something. As we know it is often a struggle to get them off msn, their ds or ipod but why and what is it that makes them turn off in a classroom?
On a computer they can be downloading music, bidding on something on ebay, uploading photos on their facebook page, googling something, listening to their ipod and watching tv and this is just normal but ask them to copy what is written on the whiteboard in silence or complete a comprehension sheet while listening to audio and they struggle to do it.
Is it their attitude towards learning or school, the tools used when teaching and learning, the person informing the learning or because it isn't stimulating and interactive enough for what they have become accustomed too............

I am about to learn and engage is some new elearning tools that I hope will aid in my delivery as a learning manager and help keep those kids stay tuned to find out what tools i'm discovering!


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