Friday, July 9, 2010

Animations and Stimulations

Wow! Even as an adult you can get sucked into these things and before you know it...time has passed by!
As a learning manager it is important to choose these tools wisely and that they have a purpose.
Having the curriculum exchange takes a lot of the hard work out as a teacher and allows a refined search to be taken place. You know the things on the site are safe and secure for use in a classroom. It allows you to save time on researching and finding such things, a great site to have access to.
These sort of animations and stimulations are good hooks to engage the learners and good to break up work. As this generation of students are use to having interactive stimulation, a purposeful and topic related learning object combined with the general content of the topic is a good balance for student and teacher.


  1. Hi Breanna,

    I strongly agree. A great thing about the curriculum exchange is that you can make your searches so spot on. You can find great interactive learning tools by writing in exactly what year level and key learning area you are looking for. Have you experienced any of the learning objects from the curriculum exchange being used in your prac classroom? Last year my mentor teacher used the Learning Place to discover lots of interactive learning activities for the year 2 class to enjoy.

  2. Hi there
    Yes it is a great site & even better because it is free!!
    I have not actually seen any of the learning objects in action but I will ask my mentor teacher about them.
    Thanks for the comment!
