Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wiki (wiki I started to create ) (wiki we actually used for group presentations)

A blog is like an on-line diary/journal and is operated and added to by the author. The owner of the blog can determine the audience and followers of the blog can post comments. A wiki can be added to by anyone, it is an on-line editable website. The most commonly known wiki would have to be wikipedia.

Designing a wiki reminded me of designing a webquest, quite similar.

The idea behind a wiki is great. It would be so good being able to access a 'uni based wiki' that focuses on our assignments. One topic/question that includes ideas, answers and information from people that can help, often talking in a similar language that makes it easy to understand and very useful.

In a school classroom context I can see the benefit of a wiki but as with all wikis the information that is published needs to be accurate. Some ways a Wiki may be used in the classroom are:
-For group projects.
-Reading groups and reviews.
-Presenting work for peers to review and give feedback on.
-Glossary/word walls.
-Exam revision.
-Study guides.
-Organising ideas.
-Virtual field trips.
-Giving and displaying teacher instructions.
-Offering information to parents, providing school notices etc.
-Reflecting on and showcasing work
More ideas can be found by visiting the Smart Teacher website and viewing the article, 50 ways to use wikis for a more collaborative and interactive classroom, (2008).

Wikis in an educational context are starting to be recognised as having potential in leading the way into a knowledge economy and becoming lifelong learners (Grant, L; Using Wikis in a School:a case study; (2006); retrieved from on 10/07/10). Having a class wiki could help bring the students close together as a cummunity. They are all working together to build a website full of information. As a teacher it would be important to know your students as some maybe immigrants to this concept and to the use of computers/internet. Therefore scaffolded learning would need to take place for this tool to be used successfully in the classroom, which also means as a learning manager your skills would have to be upto scratch.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Breanna,

    How great is Wiki there are so many ways to embed this ICT in the classroom context. One thing that stood out to me about wiki is how great it could be used within collaborative learning as you have mentioned above. Cant wait to use this great learning tool in our future classrooms.
