Friday, July 16, 2010

More on Prezi

Ok So I have learnt that you can not upload photos in blog comments, just on blog posts. I have been discussing Prezi under the post heading, 'Powerpoint' but this pic is a screen shot of me creating my first Prezi!
I have also used the PMI analysis to review the use of Prezi in the classroom for presenting.
-Can be used to zoom in on an image or diagram, such as particular parts of the human body.
-Digital way of creating and presenting a mind map and diagrams.
-Easy to embed and show a youtube.
-Stimulus for a topic, present what will be learnt and what needs to be done.
-Have a vocab wall running while the students are working that they can refer to.
-Way of introducing yourself.
-Used for reflecting.
-Provides help for you to use the tool.
-Provides another presentation option for students to use.
-Caters for visual and spatial learners.
-Like anything it needs to be balanced, do not over use this tool or it will not be as effective.
-School may not have access to this program.
-Could become a distraction because of the movement and direction of content.
-Found it tricky to upload sound to cater for auditor learners as well.
-Time consuming to create, need internet access.
-Should not be used entirely instead of powerpoint as they both offer different things and have pros and cons, use each tool where and when appropriate.
-It is on-line, can be viewed by anyone.
-Best displayed on an interactive whiteboard or projector, not all classes may have these.

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